Nepa guidebook














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NEPA directs Federal agencies, when planning projects or issuing permits, to conduct environmental reviews to consider the potential impacts on the environment(NEPA) GUIDEBOOK. 59 IAM 3-H. DIVISION OF. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL. RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. AUGUST 2012. Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. and Enforcement (OSMRE) personnel on how to integrate NEPA into OSMRE decision-making processes. Adopted from A Citizen's Guide to the NEPA, 2007 . This guide provides an explanation of NEPA, how it is implemented, and how people outside the Federal Government— individual citizens, private sector applicants A Citizen's Guide to the National Environmental Policy Act; Having Your Voice Heard is a resource to help individuals become familiar with NEPA and the CEQ Department of the Interior NEPA Regulations and Policies . by federal agencies, which guide or prescribe alternative uses of federal. Links to DOE and CEQ NEPA regulations and guidance, and to related documents.

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